Frequently Asked Questions

YES! Thank you for your service. Use the code MTMILITARY10 during checkout and be prepared to show your Military ID upon arrival. We reserve the right to remove the discount and charge the card on file.
Yes! You can make changes to your reservation at any time. If you have more or less players, we can make updates ahead of time or upon arrival. Most of our rooms have a 2 player minimum and an 8 player maximum. Player minimums and maximums are detailed in the DESCRIPTION section.
Players ages 11 and under must be accompanied by an adult.
Yes, we recommend making reservations online. If you need assistance making a reservation, please call us at (951) 506-5565. Walk-ins are welcome, but games are not guaranteed to be available upon arrival if a reservation has not been made ahead of time.
If you have a MindTrap gift card, gift certificate or gift voucher they can all be used online or over the phone. If you are booking online you can use the code on the checkout screen section labeled "Enter a promo or gift voucher code.". Type or paste the code and click "ADD".
Our rooms remain unlocked throughout the game time, so team members may exit the room at any time if needed. Please note that the game clock does not stop even if the whole team leaves the room.
Most of our rooms are family friendly. "Operation Nightwalker" is a zombie themed adventure with a creepy environment. Most players consider this scary.
Our adventure rooms are dimly lit, but not completely dark. If you require reading glasses, please bring them with you.
The following rules apply to all reservations. 24 Hours or more before your game: $0.00 Fee. Between 24 Hours and 2 hours before your game: $50.00 Fee. 2 Hours or less before your game: NO REFUNDS OR RESCHEDULING ALLOWED!
No, our games are designed for everyone, but occassionally you do have to lift objects or crawl to solve puzzles.
The following rules apply to all reservations. 24 Hours or more before your game: $0.00 Fee. Between 24 Hours and 2 hours before your game: $50.00 Fee. 2 Hours or less before your game: NO REFUNDS OR RESCHEDULING ALLOWED!
Please arrive no later than your booking time. Games will begin exactly on time, and we are unable to wait if you are late. In the event you arrive late, your game play time may be reduced.
We welcome players of any and all ages into our escape rooms. Many young puzzlers will surprise you at how adept they are at the challenges you may face! The puzzles inside are designed with ages 11 and up in mind, but younger players can still enjoy them and have fun. Players ages 11 and under must be accompanied by an adult. There will be no charge for children up to 5 years old.
Please do not participate in the game if you are under the influence of alcohol, any mind altering substances, or any other substances that may affect your senses, reflexes or coordination. The game master may refuse to allow any patrons into the room without any explanation or refund.